Ajax Diner Book Club – KRFC 88.9 FM

Ajax Diner Book Club with Charles and Sean

The Ajax Diner Book Club is designed for the intellectual record collector. Spanning genres like soul, alt-country, indie rock, blues, and more, the artists featured on ADBC are not constrained by race, decade, nationality, or style. A great song is a great song. Each week the show assembles multiple musical narratives that embody and personify a blue-collar artistic vision.

Charles Hale

A serious music fan for 25 years, Charles Hale has been a believer in the magic of radio from an early age. He remembers the first song he ever recorded off the radio onto a blank tape, he remembers the first song he ever called a DJ to request and he also remembers the song his favorite station played before they signed off the airwaves forever. Charles has worked for commercial and non-commercial stations in Georgia, North Carolina and Colorado.